3 Important Questions To Ask Your Web Design Agency
When building a website for your business or personal use establishing a relationship with the right web design agency is important. Asking the proper questions also plays a vital role in this relationship. Prior to building a website you should have a list of questions for the web design agency you are looking to hire. Having these questions answered beforehand will help the project move into a smooth transition. During the web development process your design agency should keep you in the loop to ensure a positive outcome. There are several questions to ask the company you are looking to hire but here are a few to help you along. Here are 3 important questions to ask your web design agency
3 Important Questions To Ask Your Web Design Agency
1- Who Owns The Website?
Once the website is fully built the next step is hosting it on a web server. Whether it is your web hosting platform or another provider you should ask for a copy of the website files. Ask your web design agency who owns the website to be sure that it is fully yours. Have them zip the files and email it to you for safe keeping. You can host your website with whomever you feel comfortable with. All they will need is the website files to launch it.
2- What Is The Cost To Add Content?
Adding content to your website is system standard. Whether it is photos, videos, text content etc. ask your web design agency what the costs will be. Some web design companies will have a maintenance package that will cover website edits. Have this question answered prior to retaining the web company for maintenance.
3- Do You Back Up The Website Regularly?
When you hire a company to build, host and maintain your website be sure that they back it up regularly. If you are making edits to your website you will want to have it backed up routinely.
All of the above questions should be written in a contract just to be safe. If you have any questions or want us to consult on your project please don’t hesitate to call us. We hope you enjoyed readingĀ 3 important questions to ask your web design agency.
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