3 Items Your Website Must Have Prior To Launch
Launching a new website is an exciting moment for everyone. Whether you are starting a new business or rebuilding an existing website you must make sure to launch it correctly. As a web design company we go through a checklist prior to each website launch to make sure it is ready. You only get one change to make a first impression so we want to make sure it is everlasting. That is why we put out this blog 3 items your website must have prior to launch. There are many more than 3 items to check when launching a website such as:
- Spelling & Grammar. Spellchecking every web page for mistakes is very important. Having misspelled words or grammar mistakes can ruin your credibility with potential & existing clients.
- Broken Links. Click every link on your website making sure they work properly. You can also download broken link plugins to double check.
- Mobile Test. Every website much be mobile friendly. Check your mobile, tablet and desktop compatibility to make sure everything is copasetic.
3 Items Your Website Must Have Prior To Launch
Google Analytics. This is a tool to gauge web traffic. This is a very valuable tool for an SEO company and yourself. It is free and easy to set up. This application allows you to gauge daily traffic, location, duration, pages visited and much more vital information.
Webmaster Tools. Another amazing feature to be added to the website. It’s main function is to measure the health of your website. If you have any hacked webpages and overall problems on the website. In this program you can submit your sitemap, ask for a crawl of your website and plenty more.
Speed Test. Let’s face it no one likes visiting a slow website. A lot of web searches are done on mobile devices these days so a website must be fast. There are certain things you can do to optimize a website so it runs at optimal speed. Recently we put out a blog post about optimizing your images seen below.
There are several plugins and softwares you can use to do a website speed test. Some of them will even give you a report detailing what you can do to make your website even faster. We hope you enjoyed reading 3 items your website must have prior to launch. If you have any questions please contact us anytime.
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