3 Reasons Why To Make Your Company Brand, Personal
So we have all heard the saying it’s not personal it is business. Throughout the years most business owners try to separate their business & their personal lives. But should we? Does showing your personal side in business get you more business? Over the last 15 years Benjamin Marc has gotten to know a lot of clients from all walks of life. And although some of them keep it on a business level some have become dear friends of ours. In addition to doing we business we talk about kids, family and just everyday life. So is it so bad making business more personal? 🤔 With the overwhelming growth of social media we can’t help separating business from personal so why not embrace it. All you need to do is search social media for your business associates or colleagues and bam 💥 there they are most likely with their friends and families. What if there were ways to add your personal traits to your business. You can brand yourself as well as your business. 😎🤓. Here are 3 reasons why to make your company brand, personal.
1- Let people see who they to business with. Whether you are in the in-home service business or you you have the ability to work via phone, face recognition matters. Being able to see who you are doing with business elevates the level of trust and comfort. A good way to solve this is to upload a photo on your website. Most web design companies will add a bio or about us page to a company website. In this technology era most phones have amazing portrait imagery options that will give you that professional photo shoot look. Take a few and put them on your bio web page as well as your social if you feel comfortable.
3 Reasons Why To Make Your Company Brand, Personal
2-Take photos with your customers. Once a business has been established for years it is nice to stroll down memory lane. You get a great sense of accomplishment when you look back at the work you have completed. Having photos or your work or with you customers can not only brand your business but gives a historic value. Next time you complete a project ask your customer to take a picture with them. Make sure to receive written permission to post it and share it with the world. Some great social media platforms are instagram & Pinterest.
3- Build your brand. Brand recognition is the overall goal! What are some of the elements that you can brand for your business? Your logo design? Your name or slogan? How about your face? It seems weird but plenty of faces are synonymous with their businesses. Posting more photos of yourself in the business atmosphere might help with your brand development. As an SEO company we always push for brand development as well as high quality content.
I hope you enjoyed reading 3 reasons why to make your company brand, personal.
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