3 Things That Can Affect Your Search Engine Rankings
3 Things That Can Affect Your Search Engine Rankings
Whether you hire an SEO company or your doing it yourself you probably check your online rankings frequently. Some days your website appears exactly where you want it and other times you’re nowhere to be found. Sometimes these happen in the course of a day, week or a month. One thing for sure that they are very frustrating. You can have the most perfect website, high quality content, optimized photos, everything that a search engines loves and you’re still affected. Whenever we see a client drop in the search engines we analyze why by bringing it back to the basics. Here are 3 things that can affect your search engine rankings.
1- An Algorithm Update:
More often than we’d like search engines go through an algorithm update. Although the point of the update is mostly to rework the search engines so searchers find exactly what they are looking for. These updates can be once a year or multiples times a month. No-one knows when or for how long they last. All we do know is that the rankings fluctuate. Sometimes these fluctuations can be very tremendous. New websites will come out of nowhere and push you down even though you have been doing SEO for years. You can be doing everything right and BAM 💥 your gone. Or you move down. Frustration and panic set in. You call your SEO company and beg for answers. Unfortunately the only thing that you can do is wait it out. Once the algorithm update ends and as long as you and your online marketing agency follow the right SEO protocols, you should be fine. Sometimes even better than before.
2- Broken Links:
Having a broken link on your website can be bad for 2 reasons. 1, if your online visitors are on your website and they click a link to NOWHERE, you probably will loose them. 2, search engines do no like broken links. One of the main functions of a search engine is to crawl content and links. They look for exciting content to put out on the search engine. There is nothing exciting about a broken link. Manually check your link or you can download a broken link plugin or software.
3 – Poor Content:
What is poor content? I’d like to say that any content you put on your website is worthy but it’s not true. Misspelled words, poor grammar or just not enough content can do you more harm than good. Read through your content, optimize your videos and images. If hiring a content writer is in the marketing budget this will go a long way. Put yourself in the position of your online visitors. Think of them as a customer trying to understand more about your products and services.
We hope you enjoyed reading 3 things that can affect your search engine rankings.
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