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How many places a logo is used?

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How many places a logo is used?

How many places a logo is used?

When starting a business the first step is to create a logo. Why is that that so important? Creating a logo design first sets the tone for all of your other brand development. When designing a logo you will establish the colors, font styles and graphics. These are then applied to your other marketing brands such as your website, apparel and printing. Some might say 🤔 that the logo is one of the most important parts of your business. Think about how many places a logo is used. I bet you don’t realize how impactful your logo can be on a daily basis if used properly. Here are a few ways that it is utilized and how to add to your brand development.

How many places a logo is used?

1- Screen Printing. Have you ever been on line at a store and a person behind you or in front of you has a really cool design on their clothes? We look at clothing every day and don’t even realize that there is a whole design department behind every graphic that is on clothing. Have your logo screen printed or embroidered on your personal or business apparel. These days you can print on pretty much anything. You can even take your own clothes and bring them to a screen printing facility to get them printed. (At least you can at Benjamin Marc. Plug). Think about how many people you interact with on a daily basis 🤔. A logo design can be a conversation starter.

2- Social Media. Social media platforms are coming neck and neck as important as having a website. Social media marketing has become a main source of growing online traffic. Having your logo design prominent on all your platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest is a must.

3- Website. Can I skip this one? If you create your website without your logo. Please fire your web design company. Now.

4- Promotional Items. Yes, clients, friends and family still love getting promo items from you with your logo on it. Items such as:

  • Pens
  • Mugs
  • Glasses
  • Water Bottles
  • Stress Balls

are still relevant.

Printing. Yes, business cards and other print media is still alive. Sadly it’s not as common as it once was but I am still asked, “Do you have a business card”? Since you don’t hand out printing goods as often as you once have, make the design stand out even more. There are so many different types of card stocks, sizes, shapes and colors to choose from now.

Do you now see how many places a logo is used?

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article. If you have any questions please contact us.

Written By:

Official Benjamin Marc

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