3 Tips To Improve Your Website After Moving Down In The Search Engines
Moving up and down the search engines can be rewarding, then frustrating. Watching the search engines jumble can cause elevate ones stress level quite a bit 😕. When you move up in rankings we are so happy, excited and feel a sense of accomplishment. When we drop in the search engines you feel like you have failed. Just because your website moved down it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. Search engines jumble results for many reasons. Some we understand and several leave us questioning everything. If you stick to the core search engine optimization basics you can stay own track.
If you noticed that your website moved down the rankings and it stays in that position or keeps moving backwards it could be time for a website audit. First check to see if the search engine is having an algorithm update. If so read this blog for more information on this topic:
If there has been no change in algorithm than perhaps something is wrong with your website. Here are 3 tips to improve your website after moving down in the search engines.
3 Tips To Improve Your Website After Moving Down In The Search Engines
1- Content. We all know that search engines ❤️ unique high quality content. As an SEO company we strive to produce new fresh content regularly to produce results. Take a look at your web pages and check if the content is long enough, look for grammar, spelling, & punctuation. This seems minor but search engines take these into account. Rewriting or refreshing content can be exactly what your website needs go thrive. If you don’t have someone on staff research content writers to help produce high quality content for you.
2- Rebuild. There comes a time when a website is just past it’s time. Technology, design & style gets old fast. New website techniques are evolving everyday. Consult with a web design agency to see if your website is in need of an overhaul. A new website, content & graphic can be shown to help website improve organically.
3- Back To The Basics. Checking the basics seems too simple to be a problem why your website is not performing well on the search engines. But it doesn’t hurt to double check. A broken link, a down web page, graphics not loading. These can cause a website to not perform at it’s best organically. Go through your website thoroughly looking for anything broken or out of place. It may make a difference.
We hope you enjoyed readying 3 tips to improve your website after moving down in the search engines. If you have questions please call us! Check us out on Instagram!
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